Painters, musicians and writers are always seen by the public as "eccentric, deep, and my favorite 60's term "heavy." The media seems to link art to insanity and trauma. Vincent Van Gogh cut off one of his ears and gave it to a prostitute, author Virgina Woolf (The Lighthouse) put stones in her dress pockets and drowned herself in a lake. Musician Fiona Apple took the pain that came from being raped at twelve years old and used it to create her album "Tidal." I can't post the video because I there's some error, but click the underlined senetence at the bottom or view my video bar to see one of Apple's songs: First video blog, last image.
This makes me think about my own sanity in relation to my own writing. I have OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), my life revolves around dealing with intrusive thoughts and rituals. I wonder if I would be able to compose poems or stories if I didn't have this disorder. Artists see the world differently than most people; we create the bridge between reality and fantasy. Ordinary images, words, and soundings can seem surreal, through the eyes of an artist, which connects us to different aspects of the world and its creatures.

Unfortunately, by being an artist you sometimes isolate others, who are not in your circle. You are only concerned with your audience, but also creating you work to express thoughts, emotions, and fight inner demons.
(Image: Virginia Woolf and painting by Van Gogh: Wheatfield of crows)
Fiona Apple - Sleep To Dream (Live
Websites to check out with info about mental illness: www.ocfoundation.org/ ]
and www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/
"intrusive thoughts and rituals"--love to hear about those. Lots of site out there about madness; you could have linked to those, too.